“Studying in Asia Pacific College was a life changing journey for me. I was introduced to new ideas, experiences, and people. They provided multiple opportunities to find out what I wanted for myself through their multimedia course, organizations, and activities. It was here as well where I developed a confident voice for my craft, which is what I continue to bring when facing clients at my workplace.”
Beatrice Elizabeth Baylosis, a Magna Cum Laude graduate of the BA Multimedia Arts program, was the salutatorian of the 2019 Graduating Class. Her siblings, Samantha Elisse Baylosis (AB Psychology) and Vincent Christian Baylosis (STEM – Grade 11) are currently studying in Asia Pacific College as well.
The featurette “APC Alumni of the Week” is a collaboration between the Publications Office and Alumni Affairs Office, which aims to highlight the success stories of APC’s graduates.
Want to share your experiences as a graduate of Asia Pacific College? Fill out this link and share with us your story as well as a few photos of you in the workplace — who knows, you may be featured next week!